Friday, June 25, 2004

25/06/04- 28/06/04 Uyuni & around

We met a bunch of really lovely people and saw a bunch of really great things. I will leave it for Roger to fill you in on all the details or better still go there yourselves it is really one of the most amazing places.

Flamingoes in a lake. First time we ever saw a flamingo in the wild it was dead in the road and we couldn't work out what it was as it looked so odd. Actually I suppose that it wasn't so wild. Did you know that flamingoes aren't pink for the first couple of years of their life? Don't bother writing to me and telling me if you did or not unless you have something fascinating to add about falmingoes. Like how their name is spelt. It's actually a typing error I won't bother correcting.

Hmmm lovely landscape. Amazing in fact. Yes, you should go.


Fiona outside the now defunct salt hotel- closed down for environmental reasons. This salt hotel is in the middle of a salt lake with nothing else around so I assume the waste disposal system was questionable. They have the gall to charge you to have a look at a room as well. Tsk. We simply threatened them with buckets of warm water.

It looks like a tree but it's not- the four of us shared very very cold rooms together with good grace and humour and all that- and fun it was too. Oh, it's just the way the wind shaped the rock. Blimey.

Train graveyard. Lots of old trains and bits of trains and such like- most with grafitti of which most was rude.


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