Tuesday, October 19, 2004

16/10/04- 19/10/04 Oaxaca

After yet another hellish overnight bus, (we were told was an 16 hour journey and turned out to be a 23 hour one with the benefit of two showing of Bruce Almightly, I told you it was hellish) we arrived safely in Oaxaca. Lovely town full, again, of colonial charm.

Roger treating the locals to a diet coke moment

Having heard that entrance into the local ruins was free on Sundays we headed there first thing the next day to discover that it was only free to residents of Mexico, to everyone else it was quite expensive. Still what price can you put on enlightenment. We had a wander and wondered how many more of these temples etc we could be bothered to look at and enjoyed the sunshine. Despite my sarcasm I promise it was quite lovely, and the view over the valley and town below quite breathtaking.

Roger having his breathe taken
Note: This is not a Mayan site but a Zapatec one- Mayans are sooo last town

The following morning we were rudely awoken at 8am by the workman in the hotel rebuilding the leftwing, so there was nothing for it but to jump on a bus to the nearby town of El Tule which plays proud host to the biggest tree in the world ever. Now for those paying attention you will see a theme running through our travels. We do like our big trees and I have to say that this one truely dwarfs most including the largest ever cashew nut tree in Natal.

See- hay un árbol grande

In case you didn't believe me that tiny, but lovely, dot you see is Roger

Having seen that there was only just enough time to head back into town and grab some delicious chocolate milk and locusts in the market before heading off on another overnight bus journey, though this time we are prepared. We have lots of books and our torches.

Food Glorious food, what more could you wish for...

The market above was amazing- it really was like seeing the light... shining on grilled meats.

I haven't got much to add- lovely town, you get used to its pronunciation after a while. Lots of tourists here so a bit more begging but delightful with it. Lots of music in the square and political activism- a perfectly good, thriving news stand yesterday was burnt to a cinder today with notices plastered all over it (after it had been extinguished). I am sure he deserved it- these people know what they're doing.

Fiona didn't mention that on the extra long journey on the way here we saw a local push his wife off a cliff- no idea why.


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