Monday, September 20, 2004

18/09/04- 20/09/04 Antigua, Guatemala

Another week, another country! Antigua is a very pretty city but seems a little too set up for the tourist, very twee, but one of the funniest fiestas that we have sen on our travels so far with the locals dressed up in costumes for some very Lame-O dancing around the main square.

Get down on it


That dancing thing was horrible- I felt so embarrased for them as it was really unrehearsed and at one point the monkey dancing:

got a bit violent- one of them was a little kid as well. The magic is gone when:
a. you see them getting changed just stage left
b. it's godawful.

I can't remember the point of the lactating fountain thing.

Antigua is a very pleasant old buildingy place with lots of ruins of churches and cathedrals. Went to have a look at a monastry and that was a ruin as well. As was our hotel room which stank. Moan moan moan you'd think I had to go to work.

To get to the hill as you can see in the picture above you are supposed to ask a tourist police officer to go with you but we didn't because we're real toughs and Fiona had bought a semi automatic rifle off some Russian and has been packing ever since- in fact we don't even need our cashpoint cards to get money out any more. There's a travelling tip that isn't in the Lonely Planet guide.


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