Monday, July 26, 2004

24/07/04- 26/07/04 Salinas

The first night we were here we stayed in a very posh and pink hotel, the second night we stayed in a pit. But in between we went whale watching which was pretty impressive. Whales aren't quite as playful as dolphins, which is probably just as well given their size but neither were they too shy so we did get to see quite a few of them, or rather bits of quite a few of them.

Salinas is supposed to be like Miami beach, having never been there I thought that this was a good thing, but Roger explained later that it isn't and the comparison is justified, except that Miami beach has sun for most of the year whereas Salinas, like most of the coast of Ecuador and Peru only gets sun for 4-6 months a year, the rest of the time it is surrounded in thick fog. So after 4 months on holiday I am still a long way from getting anything like a tan.

Whales were good but the everyone in the town had the same haircut.


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