Tuesday, May 18, 2004

17/05/04 San Miguel de Tucumán

I am sure that we did not see the best of this place but other than one of the nicest sandwiches I have ever tasted I wouldn’t recommend a trip to this town. Whilst there, though, we took seriously the cultural bit and decided to go the son et lumiere which was recommended in the guidebook. That was a bit of a mistake, apart from the fact that it was only 3 different coloured lights flickering over different trees and bushes in the garden of the Casa de la Cultura whilst the history of the independence of Argentina was explained (in Spanish for nearly 2 hours) it culminated in the entire audience singing their nation anthem, which we of course didn’t know any of the words of, this wouldn’t have been a problem if we weren’t at the very front. Very very uncomfortable.

Oh that casa de la cultura thing was truly awful- flashing coloured lights and talking plants and spokey wheels and sounds from empty spaces in the courtyard.


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