Monday, May 17, 2004

15/05/04- 16/05/04 Salta

At this leg of the journey we did a little bit of the historical bit and visited the museum, after of course sitting in a café on the main square and filling our faces. The museum was in this lovely old colonial building overlooking the Cathedral and main square which were all really beautiful, we also took a wander up to the train station (closed apart from one train a week that goes to nowhere and then comes back but is supposed to be a pretty journey- we will have to leave it for another time). The following day we took a trip in the cable car to the cerro with its fabulous views of the city and then took our time wandering back down. I was rather taken with Salta ´which was just as well becuase it really was miles from everywhere. We were in a bit of a rush so didnt get a chance to explore the areas surrounding Salta but according to the nice lady in the tourist information it is the best bit of the place. I still think that the restaurants have to be one of the main attractions.

Apparently I had one of the tastiest steaks ever on my plate and I was suffering from a blocked nose and couldn't taste a thing. I nearly cried.


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